
Unreached People Groups in North America

Watch this short video to learn how to cultivate

a Global Christian lifestyle through welcoming.

Many people in missions circles are familiar with the words, "pray, give, and go." Recently, however, there has been a lot of buzz about diaspora missions and the role of “welcoming” as a strategic way to live out the Great Commission. 

The book, You Don’t Have to Cross the Ocean to Reach the World: The Power of Local Cross-Cultural Ministry, offers an informative historical perspective on how the Good News of the Kingdom has spread through bilingual, bicultural people. We are urged to consider that, along with sending missionaries and going to the ends of the earth, we make a habit of welcoming and sharing the love of Christ with the many foreigners and diaspora peoples coming to our country. These "strangers" have families back home, and the gospel could spread among their own people via technology or when they return to their countries.

In the first century church, the gospel spread quickly from Jerusalem to many Gentile nations because Jerusalem was a multicultural city where diaspora peoples from "every nation under heaven" lived (Acts 2:5). Today, many cities have become “melting pots” and have a lot in common with Jerusalem as cultural, economic, and religious crossroads.

Immigrants, refugees, and international students are arriving in large numbers from locations across the globe. This offers an amazing opportunity to share the good news with people from unreached people groups and others that have never heard the name of Christ. Missions has become "from everywhere to everywhere"!

The first weeks and months in a new culture shape people’s view of the country. Just as people you meet at the start of a new season of life often become lasting friends, this can happen with internationals arriving in our country. Followers of Jesus can be the first to greet them at the airport, help them adjust to their new life, invite them for a meal, help them learn English, teach them about our culture, and ultimately show them God’s love. This leaves an indelible impression on families at a time when they feel most vulnerable.

Global Frontier Missions believes that extending helping hands to the nations scattered throughout the earth is a strategic way to fulfill Christ’s final commandment. Our locations in Atlanta and South Asia reach out to Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and others from all over the world. Let’s WELCOME the diaspora peoples that God is bringing to us and shine the light of Christ to them!

Getting Started

  • Pray that God would give you eyes to see the foreigners and the unreached around you.
  • Search for ethnic restaurants, religious worship centers, immigrant services, and businesses owned by internationals in your area.
  • Become a regular at an international restaurant in your area.
  • Learn greetings in a few languages found in your area.

Going Deeper

  • Invite an international student to participate in your family's holiday celebrations.
  • Volunteer with a refugee resettlement agency in your area.
  • Volunteer with an ESL or citizenship class.

Deeper Still

  • Work together with other members of your church to adopt a refugee family through a resettlement agency.
  • Consider moving to a part of your city where many international communities are located.

The Habits of a Global Christian

Cultivate the lifestyle of a Global Christian . . .

one habit at a time

Learn more about GFM
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