As we reflect on everything the Lord did this past year, I am honored to share the profound impact of your steadfast support and partnership with Global Frontier Missions.
Our mission is to mobilize an army people to pray, give, welcome, and go to the nations…especially the people groups with little if any access to the Gospel. As we mobilize “goers”, we want to train them with excellence so that they don’t end up being part of the 47% of missionaries that leave the field early for preventable reasons! We want to see disciples multiply among every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Throughout the year, GFM successfully trained 28 individuals through our in-person missionary training programs in Clarkston and South Asia. We also currently have almost 50 students in our Online Missionary Training School being equipped from all over the world! We are privileged to invest in the “head, heart, and hands” of these future missions leaders serving among the unreached peoples of the world.
Our ultimate goal, echoing Jesus’ final mandate to His church, is to make disciples. In 2024, we shared the Gospel with 106 non-believers and are actively discipling 59 believers representing 44 countries. We praise the Lord for these opportunities to share the Good News!
Reflecting on the year, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for our faithful and generous partners. Your unwavering support has not only met our financial needs but has enabled us to direct $51,000 to indigenous missionaries around the world serving unreached, unengaged people groups. Additionally, over $10,000 in scholarships was awarded to students from the Global South participating in our training programs.
God is relentlessly pursuing every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. May these stories and testimonies serve as an encouragement, reminding you of the lasting impact your commitment has had on the nations.
Until All Have Heard,
Grant Haynes
Founder & Executive Director
We are a movement of Christ-centered communities dedicated to MOBILIZING, TRAINING, and MULTIPLYING disciples and churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the least reached people groups of the earth.
Located In Clarkston, GA, “the most diverse square mile In America”, we prepare individuals with the head (knowledge), heart (character), and hands (practical experience) to make them effective in cross-cultural ministry locally or overseas. Throughout 2024, this Is the Impact that MTS had on our community.
Hours Spent on Ministry
Relationships Built with Non-Believing Families
Families Heard the Gospel
Heard Bible Stories
Gave Their Lives to Jesus
Relationships Were Built with Believing Families
Families Began Discipleship
"After being inspired to learn more about Buddhism during world religions week, I began spending some of my weekly ministry time at the nearby Thai temple learning from the monk there. This was incredibly and impactful for me as it really stirred my heart for the Buddhist world, fueled my desire for them to know the love and hope that’s found in Jesus, and equipped me with practical knowledge about their religion and worldview.
The understanding gained through my hours with the monk has really helped me be able to seek redemptive analogies and bridges to the Gospel within the Buddhist religion, and understand barriers that might impact the way they receive and understand the message of Jesus."
Spring '24
Online Missionary Training School was created to equip people who desire to serve cross-culturally among unreached people groups (UPGs), whether they live across the street or around the globe! We have networked with churches, missions organizations, and Bible schools to offer the most strategic materials available to train laborers in making disciples among all nations.
“With GFM, I’m learning to pray, to submit to God in my ministry and to do everything for His glory. Even in the most simple acts of daily life such as praying for the lost, confessing my sins, and finding ways to share His Word with others.
Like little seeds, I try to include stories from the Bible into my ministry. One such opportunity came up when I was helping one of my students with a challenge she was having with her father. They were at odds with each other about something they didn’t see eye to eye. She had been dabbling a bit with the occult. In her work and life she also wanted to be independent and self-sufficient, so I explained to her about the different worldviews and the Biblical worldview. She has since reconciled with her father and has placed her faith once again in Jesus. All it took was praying for her in my quiet time and also asking the Holy Spirit what to share with her, being obedient as God leads.
God is still doing incredible and amazing things today. What an honour we get to participate actively in advancing His kingdom.”
OMTS Student from Mauritius
New Accounts Created
Active Accounts
Modules Completed
OMTS Graduates
Countries Represented Among OMTS Graduates
Countries Represented Among OMTS Staff
“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.
Rather, as it is written:
“Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.”
The heart of GFM's SLICE program is to assist cross-cultural workers as they navigate their first term on the field and equip them for long-term effectiveness serving in unreached areas of South Asia. We have trained laborers from six continents to thrive in life and ministry there.
Slice Participants
Language Students
Global South Scholarship
"Sometimes the biggest Gospel impacts cannot be added to a spreadsheet. In a dry and weary land that has no access to the living water that they so desperately need, it can be years before the fruit of all the relationships, conversations and shared meals Is seen. God IS moving in and through the SLICE program, and one day, we will see the fruits of that labor as we worship together in heaven. Pray with us for ENCOURAGEMENT for the workers who labor. "
New Followers on Socials
Global South Scholarships
Step in Study Books Distributed
Videos Translated Into Other Languages
YouTube Video Views
"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty..."
Contribution Income $375,809
Program Income $157,871
Missionary Support $1,213,776
Missionary Support $1,175,147
Overhead Costs $252,484
Scholarships/UPGs $50,255
Special Projects $39,248
Program Expenses $102,884
Contribution Income $375,809
Program Income $157,871
Missionary Support $1,213,776
Missionary Support $1,175,147
Overhead Costs $252,484
Scholarships/UPGs $50,255
Special Projects $39,248
Program Expenses $102,884
Check out our story, the history of GFM, our future vision, statement of faith, and core values. Better yet...come join us!
“Right now, there are over 3 billion people who have never heard the name of Jesus, not even once. Entire families live and die without the hope of the Gospel, without ever knowing the love of Christ. Global Frontier Missions exists to change that. This is why we get out of bed in the morning, this is why we board planes to the ends of the earth, this is why we train missionaries from every metropolis, city, town and village. But we can’t do it alone. Your generosity fuels this mission: providing training for missionaries, scholarships for those called to go, and the daily resources needed to reach the lost. Every dollar given is a step closer to the unreached hearing the name of Jesus for the first time.
Will you help send the Gospel where it has never gone before?"
Sign up for our monthly "Unreached Updates" and receive a free missions course!
Global Frontier Missions; PO Box 327; Clarkston, GA 30021
Tax-Exempt Non-Profit EIN #31-1738321
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