Step In Study

A Free, Five-Week Study Exploring Your Purpose in This Generation

At the beginning of 2018, Barna Group released some sobering statistics, revealing that over half of churchgoers in the US don’t know what is meant by the term “the Great Commission.”

We have the opportunity to respond to this need, to be a part of the solution . . . but will we step up and step in? Do we care enough to invest time and resources into God’s mission for His church? Will we sound the rallying call, or will we continue to be inactive and indifferent?

GFM is equipping normal Christians to lead Step In, a five-week small group study designed to provide Biblical insights and missional exposure to believers of all ages.

Want to receive a sample of the study?
5 week missions study

Step One: God’s Heart for His Glory

Step Two: Genesis to Revelation: the Mission of God

Step Three: The Task Remaining

Step Four: The Gospel & Culture

Step Five: Everyone is a Disciple Maker

Each lesson includes a video to watch and discuss, some Scriptures to read together, a prayer emphasis for an unreached people group, an overview of one habit of a Global Christian, and practical application. We pray that this journey of discovery will serve as a catalyst for God’s Spirit to illuminate the specific role He has for each person in His mission.

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