In the year 2000, Global Frontier Missions (GFM) was founded as a result of Grant and Jennifer Haynes' service among the 30 unreached people groups of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Their goals were to preach the Good News of Jesus and make disciples among the 80 villages that had no believers, no Bible, and no churches within two hours of their mountain market town of Tlaxiaco. To fulfill that vision, they hosted short-term mission teams and summer interns, started an indigenous Bible school for national believers, and developed a missionary training school to equip more laborers, all while continuing with evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. As the ministry grew, God expanded their vision not only to reach the lost in Mexico, but also, to raise up laborers to serve among the remaining 7,000+ ethnic groups (nations) worldwide that remain unreached with the Gospel.
In 2006, GFM made our first trips to the 10/40 window where over 80% of unreached people groups live. After having shared the state of the world with many short-term mission teams, we believed it was time to engage that part of the world ourselves. Starting in Morocco, we went on to India and Thailand. As we scouted places to send potential short-term missions groups and long-term church planting teams, the Lord laid on our hearts the “THUMBs Up” vision. THUMB stands for Tribals, Hindus, Unreligious, Muslims, and Buddhists. In 2008, we sensed the Lord asking GFM to expand beyond Mexico to establish mobilization, training, and multiplication "hubs" among each of those main religious groups.
In 2009, GFM earnestly sought the Lord for the next step in fulfilling the THUMBs up vision. While seeking new locations in the 10/40 window, GFM leadership sensed God telling them to consider the United States, which sounded contrary to our vision of taking the gospel to the remaining unreached people groups. However, our research showed that people from at least 361 unreached people groups were in the US as refugees, immigrants, and international students. God enlarged our hearts and missions strategy to dream about fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples of “foreigners” who would return to their own people as a witness for Christ.
As we began to understand globalization and diaspora (movement of people) missiology, we saw how strategic it would be to not only send people TO the 10/40 window, but also, to welcome those coming FROM the 10/40 window. We developed what we call “the Jerusalem strategy.” Jesus had said that the gospel would be preached to all nations starting in Jerusalem. Why there? Acts 2 tells us that people from numerous Gentile areas gathered or dwelled in Jerusalem, making it a launching pad from which to inaugurate the Great Commission. When the Holy Spirit arrived in power on the day of Pentecost, He shared the Good News in many languages. In Acts 8 after the stoning of Stephen, the church scattered throughout the Roman Empire due to persecution, taking the Good News of Christ back to their home regions. With that in mind, GFM began looking for similar “melting pots,” "global gateways," and “Jerusalems.” We longed to plant "hubs" in economic/cultural/religious metropolises of the United States and throughout the world where God is gathering the nations.
GFM now has a two-fold approach to reaching the unreached people groups of the world. There are still thousands of ethnic groups around the globe that have never heard the name of Jesus, so we must continue to go to them! However, the nations are coming to us, so we must WELCOME them! We believe the movement of people (diaspora missions) in today’s world is a great opportunity to aid the fulfillment of the Great Commission. As unreached people groups from all over the world come to us, we are mobilizing and training the church to reach into this incredible mission field! With strategic local church partners, we educate and empower people to share the gospel and make disciples both locally and globally, so that all THUMB peoples hear the good news of Jesus.
In 2009, we launched our Atlanta “home hub,” our first base in the United States, followed in 2010 with a “home hub” in Houston, TX. In 2012, we sent our first team to the 10/40 window to focus on unreached people groups in South Asia, the beginning of the fulfillment of the THUMBs Up vision. In 2013, GFM launched an online version of our missionary training program. In 2015, we added Richmond, VA as our next “home hub” in the U.S. and our first international “home hub” in Sydney, Australia, which is 47% foreign born. In 2018, we implemented a missionary residency for people interested in being “tentmakers” or doing Business as Mission. In 2019, we started a “field hub” with the SLICE program in South Asia to orient missionaries during their first year on the field. In 2020, we launched our Step In study to mobilize even more Christians to Great Commission involvement.
Over the past twenty years, Global Frontier Missions has mobilized thousands of people for missions through Short Term Missions Trips and Summer Missionary Internships, and we have trained over 500 missionaries through our Missionary Training programs. The Lord called many of these participants to long-term missions in places like India, Bangladesh, Vanuatu, Morocco, and Thailand, serving with partner organizations such as Pioneers, Frontiers, Operation Mobilization, SIM, and Team Expansion. Others are involved through prayer, giving, mobilizing, and welcoming internationals.
We are committed to doing our part to reach the remaining 7,000+ unreached people groups of the world and will always have a focus on places where there are few to no believers, Bibles, or bodies of Christ. Our goal is to see indigenous disciple and church planting movements started among all peoples of the earth. Pray about how YOU can get involved in reaching those who have never heard.
Check out the rest of our story, our future vision, our statement of faith, and core values. For more information about Global Frontier Missions, check out our ministry overview, annual report, and endorsements.
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Global Frontier Missions; PO Box 327; Clarkston, GA 30021
Tax-Exempt Non-Profit EIN #31-1738321
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