GFM's Core Values

Our Christian Values: The DNA of Our Mission Strategy

Global Frontier Missions’ core values are the DNA of our movement. This is the culture that we desire to embody individually and organizationally. As such, we strive to live out and encourage these values with everyone who participates in our missionary training programs. We seek to impart the same values as we make disciples of all nations.

Global Frontier Missions is committed to being:

christ centered

Biblically Focused – Acts 17 speaks of the Bereans who searched the Scriptures daily to see if the things being taught lined up with God’s Word. At GFM, we love the Bible and want to spend time in the Scripture hearing from the Lord so that His Word guides us as we mobilize individuals and churches, train missionaries, and make disciples of all nations.

kingdom minded

Kingdom Minded – GFM emphasizes working together to take the gospel to all nations. The Great Commission will be fulfilled only when we unite to see Christ glorified throughout the whole earth. Our focus is HIS GLORY! Therefore, we work in conjunction with different churches, organizations, denominations, and individuals to focus on building Jesus’ Kingdom and make a name for Him rather than for ourselves.

lifelong learning

Lifelong Learners – GFM staff are in constant learner mode. We read books, attend conferences, glean insights from field missionaries, and compare notes with other churches and organizations. We value creativity and trying new things, not afraid to “fail forward.” We humbly share what we learn, encouraging one another toward personal, spiritual, ministry, and professional growth, as we remain teachable in all circumstances.

shalom seeking

Spirit Led – Apart from the vine we can do nothing. Absolute dependence upon the Lord is essential in order to produce lasting fruit. We make decisions for our individual and corporate ministries only as we listen to God in prayer and are led by His Spirit. Jesus said to wait for the Holy Spirit to come before going out to fulfill the great task He gave us. We recognize our need of His conviction, His gifts, His fruit, His prayers, His counsel, and His power to be able to take the Good News to all nations. GFM strives to live out Ephesians 5:18, “being filled” always with His Spirit, putting off our old man and putting on the new, not grieving the Holy Spirit but ministering in His power.

strategic disciplemaking

Strategic Disciple-Makers – GFM is firmly dedicated to making disciples who will make other disciples (disciple-making movements) and planting churches that will plant other churches (church planting movements) among the remaining unreached people groups of the world. We constantly teach others to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2) and focus heavily on equipping and empowering the body of Christ. We always look to reproduce ourselves while trying to work ourselves out of a job. At GFM, we seek to live and minister in ways that are easy for others to follow and imitate as we serve incarnationally among the unreached people groups we try to reach. The simpler we keep our Christianity (Jesus is Lord, love God, and love others), the easier it is to instill believers with a Kingdom lifestyle.

shalom seeking

Shalom Seeking – Knowing that interpersonal conflict is one of the main reasons that people leave the mission field, GFM is committed to seeking “shalom” (peace and wholeness) with one another. We want to live like the early church that was absolutely devoted to prayer, the apostles’ teachings, breaking bread, and having a strong sacrificial community to which others were attracted (Acts 2). Being a part of God’s family of peacemakers, we are committed to listening well, not making assumptions, making safe space for dialogue, resolving conflict quickly, and building up the body (Ephesians 4). GFM believes that reconciliation brings glory to God, so we emphasize healthy individuals, marriages, and teams by being slow to anger, going directly to one another when there is offense, and offering grace and forgiveness. We pray that the world will know that we are His disciples by our love for one another.

innovative pioneers

Innovative Pioneers – One of GFM’s distinctive qualities is an exclusive dedication to unreached people groups (UPGs). We seek to pioneer new hubs and send laborers to areas where the gospel is not yet known. This requires a persevering, trailblazing spirit that is prepared for persecution. We do little mission work in places and among peoples that already have a culturally relevant gospel witness. Check out the biblical basis of missions and the state of the world videos to learn why we feel strongly about UPGs.

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