Multiplying Disciples that Make Disciples

Global Frontier Missions began with a team of church planters who labored to make disciples of unreached peoples. Although we excel in mobilizing Christians to get involved in missions and training future missionaries, at our heart we seek the end goal of glorifying God through disciple making.

We are committed to multiplying not only disciples, but disciple makers. It is common to think of North America and Europe primarily as launching pads for missions to the Global South. However, missions has become "from everywhere to everywhere." We invite you to see North America as not only a launching pad, but also, an actual harvest field, with hundreds of unreached and even unengaged people living in our communities. We challenge you to consider places like Uganda, Nigeria, Brazil, Mongolia, and the Philippines as a mission force, not only a mission field. Those countries' mission laborers are becoming the major thrust in fulfilling the Great Commission.

We believe that the best way to equip the saints for cross-cultural ministry is on-the-job training, working directly with unreached people groups from around the globe who live, work, and study in our communities. We train by “doing,” making disciples and planting churches among unreached people groups intermingled with us in gateway cities.

Part of GFM’s strategy is to lead immigrantsrefugees, and international students to follow Christ, disciple them, and launch them as missionaries to their own people. These indigenous disciples lead others in their community to Christ, help new believers grow, raise up leaders, and plant simple, reproducible churches as they run with the vision to see a movement of multiplied disciples and churches among their own and other people groups.

The term “church planting” is being used less and less in the missions world because Jesus’ command was to “make disciples,” not plant churches. But for the sake of simplicity, we consider “church planting” the whole process of seeing people follow Christ, baptizing them, teaching them to obey Jesus, gathering disciples together as the body of Christ, developing leaders to equip the flock, and seeing that church, as a family on mission, reaching out to others.

Our staff prefers various methods to seek and save the lost. Several use a simple church planting model called the 4 Fields, which follows an easily reproducible process of evangelism, discipleship, church formation, and leadership development.

multiplying disciples

The ultimate goal of our disciple making efforts is to facilitate church planting movements in North America, assisting local ethnic churches to send missionaries and church planting teams to their home countries to make disciples of unreached people groups.

Consider joining our GFM staff to help us make disciples of all nations. We welcome disciple makers to join an existing team or launch additional church planting teams to focus on more apartment complexes, ethnicities, or parts of town.

If you are around Global Frontier Missions very long, you will notice that disciple making is a core value of our staff and students. We quote the statistic that if just one Christian made one disciple, and the following year each made one disciple, and they continued that pattern, the whole world would have access to the gospel in just 34 years . . . in one generation!

Let's be that generation!

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