In keeping with one of our core values of being "kingdom minded," we collaborate with people and local churches across the Body of Christ (Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Mennonites, Nazarenes, Reformed, Pentecostals, Restoration Churches, Christian Missionary Alliance, and others). As we focus on Christ and Him crucified, we are able to serve and go “on mission” with people from all over the body of Christ despite minor doctrinal nuances. Putting aside those differences, we focus on the majors of loving God, loving others, and making disciples as we work together to see His glory among all peoples.
As a missionary training organization, we encourage the laborers we equip to submit to the local churches and sending agencies launching them out and to honor the theological traditions from which they come. Therefore, organizationally, we do not take strong stances on certain doctrinal issues that are highly debated in Christian circles and tend to bring more division than unity.
Our faith statement and beliefs are stated in an intentionally general way to satisfy most evangelical believers. GFM does not isolate people or churches that request cross-cultural missions training by taking strong views on theological issues like the end times, church governance, modes of baptism, spiritual gift use, and other issues secondary to salvation in Christ alone.
Another of our core values is being "biblically focused," which means sound doctrine is essential to us. We encourage our staff, students, and participants to know their stance on doctrinal issues based on Scripture, to be active in a local church, and to join a mission sending agency with whom their theological convictions align and to whose leadership they will submit.
[+] We believe that God is the eternal Father and Creator of all things. He has always existed in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gen 1:1-3).
[+] We believe that God created man in His image (Gen. 1:27), but man rebelled against God, introducing sin into this world (Rom. 5:12). Ever since then, all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).
[+] We believe that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man, born of a virgin, died for our sins, and resurrected from the dead on the third day to freely offer salvation to all who call on and put faith in Him (Rom. 10:13). He is the only way to heaven and the only name that can be called upon to gain eternal life (Acts 4:12).
[+] We believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and came to usher in the kingdom of God which is already here, but not yet revealed in its fullness (Mt. 4:17). He deserves to be the Savior and Lord of our lives (Rom. 10:9). As a result, we need to die to ourselves, forsake all, take up our crosses, and follow Him (Lk. 14:27).
[+] We believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to go out and be witnesses (Acts 1:8). Just as the Father sent His Son into the world, now Jesus sends us to be His ambassadors to a lost and hurting world (Jn. 20:21). The Holy Spirit gives us gifts and causes us to bear fruit in order to carry out God’s will (1 Cor. 12:11,12).
[+] We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God and the final authority and standard by which we should live (1 Tim. 3:16).
[+] We believe that love sums up the law. We need to love God with all that we are and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mt. 22:37-39). By our love will they know that we are His disciples (Jn. 13:35).
[+] We believe that every believer in the world makes up a part of the body of Christ and that God’s will for His church is that we be unified so that the world might know the Truth (Jn. 17:23).
[+] We believe that it is the responsibility of the Church to take the Gospel into the entire world as a testimony to all nations (Mt. 24:14). Every member in the body of Christ must play a role in building the kingdom of God, and taking the Good News to all creation, making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus taught (Mt. 28:18-20).
We adhere to the Lausanne Covenant which was established in 1974 when Billy Graham gathered churches and missions organizations from over 150 nations to work together to take the Gospel to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Check out our story, the history of GFM, our future vision, and our core values.
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