Christian Missions 101

Christian Missions 101: Training and Resources

Welcome to the Christian Missions 101 course! We utilize these key missions teachings in each of our missionary training programs because they make up the DNA of Global Frontier Missions. Each short whiteboard video and accompanying materials provide insight as to the “why” not just of Global Frontier Missions, but of missions in general. 

Each of the Christian Missions 101 lessons have been compiled into a 5-week small group study called Step In that is ideal for your Bible study, Sunday school class, missions committee, or church. Our goal is to have 1,000 people go through Step In annually! Will you lead a group through this relevant missions Bible study? If so, we will ship the Bible study books to you for FREE in our effort to mobilize more people for the Great Commission!

Working together to spread the word of God’s glory among all nations, GFM’s YouTube channel has already reached over a quarter million people. Please share the videos and resources from the Christian Missions 101 course on social media or other avenues as we raise awareness and advocate for the unreached people groups of the world.

These video resources are now available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Czech, Portuguese, and Swahili on our YouTube Channel. We're always looking to make these videos more accessible to those around the world. If you'd like to help get these resources in other languages, let's connect!

Missions Resources in Other Languages

Is God calling you to be a "missions mobilizer"?

The following links lead to each of the Christian Missions 101 videos, downloadable notes, and infographics. The goal is for you not only to consume this information yourself, but to multiply the impact by sharing it with others.

Missions 101: What is a UPG?

Have you seen or heard this acronym before? How about an Unreached People Group? Global Frontier Missions mobilizes individuals and churches to get involved with UPGs close to us and around the world. Find out how missions organizations define this term and how it is used to direct our work.

An unreached man

How often is missions mentioned in the Bible? Is missions important to God? This teaching takes you from Genesis to Revelation, showing how much God cares about all peoples. God’s command has always been to take the knowledge of His glory to the ends of the earth. Take five minutes and learn about His story.

biblical basis of missions

Missions 101: The State of the World

Now that you know what an Unreached People Group is and understand that we have a God on mission to display His glory among all the people of the earth, how is the Christian church doing? It has been almost 2,000 years since Jesus gave us the Great Commission; we should be close to completing it, right?

state of the world

We know that God has a heart for all nations and desires people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation to be a part of His Kingdom. We see the need around the world and the places with no access to the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Now, what about the influx of internationals living among us? How does God view people

migrating around the world?

god's heart for the foreigner

Worldview varies from one culture to the next and is one of the biggest obstacles in the presentation and understanding of the Gospel. Cultures tend to be based on guilt/innocence, shame/honor, or fear/power. By increasing our understanding of each worldview, we will learn the most effective ways to share the Gospel with people from different cultures.

3d gospel

In hundreds of Bible verses, God commanded His people to care for orphans, widows, foreigners, sick, poor, and other marginalized people. Christians must embrace God’s loving heart and obey His commands to help people, not only spiritually, but also, physically. How do we do this in an effective way?

christian community development

What would happen if we simply obeyed Jesus’ Great Commission given in Matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations? What would result if, instead of feeling burdened to “reach” an entire people group, missionaries found just one or a handful of teachable disciples to equip who would, in turn, find just one or a handful of teachable disciples to equip? Listen and discover the effects of faithful discipleship.

power of multiplication

Missions 101: The Kingdom of God

Jesus said that "this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations

and then the end would come." How many of us have a good understanding of what the Kingdom of God is and how we can proclaim that to others? What would it look like not only to share the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but that "the Kingdom of Heaven is near"?

Kingdom of God youtube video graphic

Christian Missions 201

If you liked these short teaching videos, consider going through our Online Missionary Training School. The first class is entirely FREE! After that, you will learn more about church planting movements, orality and storytelling, community development, evangelism and discipleship, learning language and culture, spiritual warfare, team dynamics, and much more!

Invite Global Frontier Missions to Share with You in Person:

Global Frontier Missions staff members travel regularly and are willing to visit your church, small group, college campus, or Perspectives class to engage in in-depth discussions on these topics. Contact us to arrange a time to explore God’s heart for the nations and possible next steps in missions with your group.

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