Explore Gathering


Connect with an awesome missions-minded community, be inspired by renowned speakers, and find your place in changing lives and spreading the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind event that will ignite your passion and propel you into action for God's kingdom!

This one day “missions fair" is designed for followers of Jesus that want opportunities to get involved in God’s global mission with over 20 missions agencies represented. Learn about God's heart for the world, hear powerful stories and testimonies of what God is doing among the nations, enjoy multi-ethnic worship, and then get involved!


The Explore Gathering is geared towards people that want to GO the nations to learn and serve!


Sunday, Jan 5, 2025: 1-8pm


Dunwoody Baptist Church; 1445 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338

Follow the Explore Gathering on Facebook and Instagram


$30 early bird price until Oct 31 (includes box dinner)

Come Join a Community of People

who are Passionate for Jesus and the Nations

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