GFM Code of Conduct

Client Code of Conduct

  • I understand as a participant in the Global Frontier Missions’ program that I am responsible for my behavior.
  • I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my family and friends, and other participants within the program.
  • I will not use bad language, swear, insult, or fight with other people. I will refrain from any form of personal abuse towards others, including but not limited to verbal, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and/or harassment.
  • I will not engage in any inappropriate contact or relationship with another participant in the organization’s programs.
  • I will participate actively in the program.
  • I will try new activities and learn new skills to the best of my ability.
  • I will not ask to include my friends, brothers, sisters, or other family members in program activities unless they are invited.
  • I will inform my family or caregivers of my program activities. I will not keep secrets about my relationship or activities within the program.
  • I will be on time and dressed appropriately for all program activities.
  • I will let the organization know if my plans change and I am unable to keep an appointment or participate in an activity.
  • I will not expect the staff to buy me gifts, give me money, or take me on expensive outings.
  • I will ask any staff or other participants if I may call him or her at home. If he/she agrees, I will be reasonable and responsible about the time of day and how often I call.
  • I will keep contact with the organization’s staff by responding promptly to phone calls, letters, and other means of communicating.
  • If a problem develops, I will immediately talk to my family or caregiver and/or a representative from the organization about it.
  • If a problem develops within my family or other circumstances occur that affects my participation in the program, I will contact the organization.
  • I agree to follow all established rules and guidelines of the organization.
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