At Global Frontier Missions, our staff and students do not simply focus on ministry overseas but regularly build relationships and participate in outreach at our stateside Hubs, Richmond and Atlanta. One way this manifests itself is through house churches. Two beloved members of our staff have hosted one for over three years.
At the leading of the Holy Spirit, this couple came to GFM six years ago. They felt called to full-time ministry in a cross-cultural setting, but did not know where the Lord would lead. As they explored options, Missionary Training School seemed to be a perfect fit for them, so they came to visit. While visiting, they experienced confirmation and knew it was where they were supposed to be for training as well as living among other cultures.
After attending MTS, they decided to come on staff as part of the Multiplication team and have with us ever since. Their favorite part of serving on the team is, “meeting families in the apartment complexes and coming alongside them to help, encourage, and teach them.”
The house church developed as part of their outreach and began as a small gathering with several Americans and a couple Africans in another family's home. After about a year, God led a few of the Americans elsewhere. The couple began hosting the church in their home and saw more friends begin attending. For the past two years, their home has been a gathering place for all cultures to praise the Lord and study His Word together.
While COVID has taken away their ability to meet in person for the past few months, it has not stopped the Lord from moving among members of the group.
“We've seen Him heal strained relationships through prayer and forgiveness. We've watched each other grow in compassion and love for God and each other as we pray for one another's needs and areas of brokenness. We continue to see growth in our knowledge of Jesus and what it means to follow Him.”
When God is our power source, anything is possible. They have kept in contact with church members by phone, drive-by visits and food deliveries, and YouTube videos of their teaching. They are nourishing the body of Christ and providing for physical, social and spiritual needs throughout this difficult time.
As they continue to build community from a distance, please pray for wisdom and insight from the Lord as to how they should proceed after the COVID-19 pandemic, and for all members of their house church to remain in good health. Additionally, pray for a hunger to seek the Lord and an awareness that God calls all of us to proclaim who He is and the hope He provides to those around us.
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