Matthew 28:19-20 is one of the most cited passages in missions.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
When Jesus shared this with the disciples, it was his last command. It is all of ours to carry and continue to live out in present day.
It’s time to shift from asking, “Should I be involved?” to, “How can I be involved?”
Many think of missions as being on the field in a foreign country and doing evangelism. While this is a crucial part of missions, missions is also local outreach and behind-the-scenes work. Missions includes supporting, praying, encouraging those who are on the field, and so much more. When we frame it as an unilateral, international movement, it can deter some Christians from participating.
At Global Frontier Missions, we have a variety of talents and roles represented by the people who are wholeheartedly living for the Lord and serving on mission with us. While we have staff focused on Gospel sharing and international outreach, we also have those who provide oversight and training, answer emails and phone calls, and plan programs and events. Administration is a spiritual gift, and staff members who serve in this area maximize our ministry through their organizational strengths.
Administrative roles are as much a part of the body of Christ as somebody performing on their ministry goals or planting a church.
There are so many examples of how the Lord has and will continue to use spiritual gifts and professional training for His glory. Often these talents emerge naturally in everyday ministry opportunities. For example, there are those that easily build relationships with families during home visits, while others take note of the details, such as the needs of the family and how many children they have.
We celebrate how God has gifted us uniquely, and would encourage you to explore how you can support the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Would you pray for more laborers willing to use their unique giftings in missions globally?
If you are interested in getting more involved in the Great Commission but have questions, we have missions mentors ready to connect, pray, and walk alongside you! Contact us.
Written by a Guest Author
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