Over three billion people do not have regular access to the good news of Jesus and what He has done. And unless more believers step out in faith and go to the nations, that number isn't going to change.
As our Lord Jesus said 2,000 years ago:
“...The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Wait, really?!
Yes. Really.
Please don't go to the mission field without humility.
The posture of humility could arguably be the single most important trait of someone who seeks to make Jesus known cross-culturally. You could have a deep, exegetical knowledge about the Scriptures, be incredibly passionate about prayer, have a knack for learning languages, possess a spirit of adventure and sacrifice... and yet be completely ineffective on the mission field because you're not teachable and you're unwilling to learn from others.
A lack of humility - or the presiding presence of pride - in the life of a cross-cultural worker is toxic. It often causes personal stagnation and a false sense of superiority. It can stifle transparency and gospel-centered relationships with their teammates. It may prevent them from seeing what God is already doing in and through the national community. It becomes a stumbling block and hindrance to the very gospel they came to proclaim.
It might seem shocking to think that the gospel can be spoken from a posture of arrogance, but it's true. As Trevin Wax has stated, "It is possible to share the message of Christ without the manner of Christ." Surely you've experienced this.
As the people of God, however, we are commissioned very specifically in both our message and our manner. Jesus Himself said, "...As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). How was Jesus sent?
In humility .
"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!"
So please don't go to the mission field without humility.
Jesus didn't, and He is God.
Interested in receiving holistic training before you go serve cross-culturally? Learn more about our missionary training programs.
Written by Laney Mills
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