Your Ebenezer

September 5, 2024

Several years ago, I remember singing a song one Sunday morning with the lyrics, “Here I lay my Ebenezer” (Come Thou Fount, Chris Tomlin).  As a Christmas aficionado, it struck me that the only Ebenezer I could think of was Scrooge.  The word stuck with me, annoyed me, and finally, made me start studying. 

In 1 Samuel chapter 7, the Israelites were in trouble again. They had been called to repentance by the prophet Samuel and were returning to the Lord. They gathered at Mizpah to repent and offer sacrifices.  But even in the middle of their redemption, they were not safe. The Philistines had heard they were all in Mizpah and set out to destroy them. The Israelites were afraid and called on the Lord to protect them. The Lord defeated the Philistines on behalf of His chosen people. Samuel then built a stone statue, a physical reminder, to call the people back to God's graciousness when the Israelites didn’t deserve a rescue.

Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!” (1 Samuel 7:12 NLT). Fast forward roughly 2,500 years, and we are the same people. We turn our backs on God, forget His goodness, seek our own kingdoms, fall apart, see our upcoming demise, and cry out for salvation. Over and over, we forget what God did yesterday, yesteryear, and the centuries gone by.

God is faithful and unchanging. We are forgetful and mercurial.  I am forgetful and mercurial. Even though I studied the word Ebenezer and the context of remembering, it continued to bother me. How often do God’s miracles fade in my memory? How often do worry and circumstances drown out His inexhaustible saving grace? How often do I need my own Ebenezer to remind me that God always has and always will be my help?

So, I created my own digital Ebenezers.  I set up Google Calendar reminders for every year.  When God provides, when God protects, when God promises, I set an Ebenezer.  It takes 30 seconds for a lifetime of reminders.  And every year, the Ebenezers increase.  There are more and more each year, and each time I see one, my faith is strengthened.

I’ve lived overseas as a missionary for 8 years. The 10 years before that were spent on short-term mission trips, seeking my role in the Great Commission, and simply growing in my faith and love for God. There was no shortage of miracles during that time, or in the years since.  A redeemed marriage, 3 impossible visas, 1 impossible Permanent Residency, 2 gifted vehicles, 2 years of lockdown in another country during COVID, answered prayers in so many lives, generous financial support for that whole time, and so many more miracles and promises fulfilled.

And yet, when the next crisis hits, it’s so easy to fear and stress. We immediately revert back to our own strength and understanding to “fix” the problem. And sometimes, there are things we need to do. But never once, do we need to forget to rely on God. He may ask for our obedience, our trust, our hearts, but He never asks for our solutions. He knows the immediate answer, but He also knows how our temporary struggles can glorify Him into eternity. 

More importantly, we need to remember to keep our eyes on a holy perspective. God is God.  He always was and always will be. The distractions of this life are always trying to tear our eyes off of God. We are tempted and tried to look at our own needs and our own wants. But when we pause and remember God’s goodness, our faith is increased. 

So, how do you remember? How do you look at the miracles of the past and praise God anew? Because without reminders, we only have ourselves to rely on. 

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. Psalm 77:11

Want to learn more about how to find your role in the Great Commission? Check out the Habits of a Global Christian linked below!

Habits of a Global Christian
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