While You're Waiting

October 27, 2020

Two Missional Opportunities in a Pandemic

COVID-19 has left thousands of cross-cultural workers caught in transition. Whether they are aspiring missionaries waiting to launch, seasoned expatriates stuck in the U.S. on furlough, or on-the-field workers impacted by social isolation, countless missionaries around the globe are being affected.

While we're waiting to see how this pandemic continues to develop and what the long-term ramifications of it will be, Global Frontier Missions is seeing many individuals take advantage of the time by investing in continued cross-cultural education and re-tooling.

Are you looking to make the most of the waiting period you are in? We would love to come alongside you in that! The following are just two of the many opportunities that can be utilized during this time.

Develop your head, heart, and hands in cross-cultural training.


Global Frontier Missions’ heartbeat is to train and invest in those who have a passion to share Jesus and serve among unreached people groups - both domestically and abroad. Our Missionary Training School is one of our favorite ways to do that as we not only teach students in the classroom but also go out into ethnically diverse neighborhoods to make disciples. And we have COVID-19 policies in place to protect our students, staff, and the community we serve.


Our upcoming 2021 classes will begin in January and August, and we'd love to connect with you if you’ve been halted in your plans to get overseas and are wondering if this might be the right season to invest in a semester of training. 


Can’t attend in-person? Receive training online! Our Online Missionary Training School was designed to equip people that want to serve cross-culturally among unreached people groups but need to have the flexibility to do it on their own time and in their own space. We have networked with some of the most gospel-centered churches, missions organizations, and Bible schools out there to come up with the most strategic materials we could find to train laborers to make disciples among all nations.


Mobilize others to take part in the Great Commission.


As Jesus told us in Luke 10:2, the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. Consider spending this time educating and empowering those around you to take part in God’s global mission. One practical way to do this is by facilitating Step In, our free small group study. It is designed to provide Christ-centered education and missional exposure to believers of all ages. It can even be adapted to host over Zoom! 


We may not have asked for this unprecedented season, but we can seek to be faithful to steward it wisely for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom.


If you’re interested in either of these opportunities, contact us. And if neither is a good fit, also reach out! Our missions mentors would love to connect with, pray for, and encourage you as you explore what avenues to pursue during this time of transition.


Written by Mandy Sullivan

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